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Craft beer infuencer and reviewer


I’m Florian, a beer reviewer and travel enthusiast based in Switzerland. My journey into the world of craft beer began around the time of my final studies. Young and foolish, I would go out with my friends and (I'm almost ashamed to admit it) drink some pretty terrible mainstream beers *cough* H-E-I-N-E-K *cough*.

I would say things changed a couple of months later when I booked a trip to Belgium with a friend. It was while on that trip that I discovered the magic of craft beers. We tasted as many of them as we could. So many in fact that I decided to keep track by photographing every single bottle and published them onto my Instagram. For me, it was a way to document our travels - but to my surprise, for others it was a fun way to discover the

wide range of craft beers available! When we returned to Switzerland, weighed down by the 50 liters of beer in our stomachs, I jokingly changed the name of my Instagram profile to Weekend Beers. Little did I know how widespread that name would become. Five years later, I am still posting pictures of the beers I drink - always on the weekend and all over the world!


My passion for seeing the world combines perfectly with my quest to taste all different kinds of craft beers, and was formed early in life by my family, who are lovers of travel themselves. As of today I have travelled to over fifty countries.


"Weekend Beers" has been one of the best journeys of my life. My photography has driven me to hone my craft, meet new people, and experience adventures I would have never done otherwise. It is so rewarding to have the opportunity to rate and recommend each beer to an equally passionate audience.


There is so much craft beers to be tasted and so many new places to be seen that I decided to create a brand around Weekend Beers. This website will give you premium access to my beer reviews, photos, future and past destinations combined with a beautifully designed merchandise store for the Weekend Beers family.


So, take a sip and have a look around. I'm sure you'll find something you like.

Thanks for submitting!

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